This is more  

  than flooring.  

  While carbon offsets are a step in the right  

  direction, they are not enough on their own  

  to combat the effects of climate change.  

  We need to take a holistic approach and focus  

  on embodied carbon and carbon emissions.  


By addressing both, we’re not just offsetting

our impact — we’re actively working to reduce

it. Being neutral is not enough.

It is more than a product or process or specification

or a company buying carbon credits.

It is more than designing things that are good

for the earth — what we’re taking away from it

and what we’re giving back.

It is more than material health or circular

economy or diversity or carbon impact.

And it is more than being carbon neutral.


  We will work with you to reduce our carbon  

  footprint once and for all.  

  Because neutral is not enough.  

  People Together,  

  Planet Forever is our promise.  

  Neutral is not enough. 

  is our call to action.  

We are one planet. We cannot afford

to be neutral. We must make changes

and take action together.

Our PVC-free sheet and tile are made with renewable content, including rapeseed, canola, and castor oils. Optimised for low embodied carbon and is carbon neutral. Free of ortho-phthalates, chlorine and solvents. Cradle To Cradle Certified® Silver and achieves Greenhealth Approved certification through Health Care Without Harm.

Our planet has finite resources. Together we have the capability to make sure we are never taking more than we are giving back. 

Low Embodied Carbon | Carbon Neutral. We offer a broad portfolio of products that are carbon neutral and optimised for low embodied carbon. Shaw Industries has achieved carbon neutrality in our commercial carpet operations (since 2018).

All humans are equal. Together, we will proactively create and promote opportunities that give everybody an equal footing in life. Mike Ford + Shaw Contract Rug and  Broadloom Collection. We are donating a portion of the collection’s proceeds to Mike Ford’s Hip Hop Architecture camps. The camps empower underrepresented youth. Not only do they foster an interest in A&D, but they also use design as a tool to advance equity, justice, and inclusion within the camps’ communities.

Materials are the skin of our interiors. Healthy materials create healthy environments that have a direct impact on our health and wellbeing.

We Want it Back 

At the end of its useful life, we will reclaim and recycle EcoWorx® backed carpet tile, Shaw Manufactured Resilient and ReWorx at no cost to you.* Other Commercial Carpet Types can be recycled at a cost. Since 2006, we have recycled 450,000,000 kg of post-consumer carpet reducing landfill waste through our re[TURN] Reclamation Program.

*Restrictions apply see for guidelines.


At the heart of Shaw Contract,

we create products and

solutions that positively

impact people and the planet.

We are Design Optimists.

What are your sustainability goals?

It would be our pleasure to present our sustainability journey and see                                                                          how we can help you achieve your own goals.